Tuesday, April 2, 2013

S.U.B. Podcast #15 Jelow & Sorriso (Serbia)

Witaj. Another guest mix is in front of you, but this we have a promo podcast to a spring festival that’s been happening for couple of years in Shtip (Macedonia). It’s the 7th edition of the Run.mk festival (13.04.2013), and our guests are one of the performers that night.  They are running their online show “Drumology Radio Show” on BeTon Radio (www.betonradio.rs/drumology/), and running the label Audio Colours. Their set will be backed up by MC WackWacko from Madred (www.facebook.com/madredmusic). So in this week SUB podcast #15 we have Jelow & Sorriso (Serbia).

SUB: How did you heard about the Run Mk festival?

 * I (Jelow) performed here with Adam (WackWacko) couple of years ago and had a great time! People here really love dnb, especially jungle, and I knew I had to come back again with Sorriso and here we are! 

SUB: Tell us how did you both ended by playing dnb music?

 * Jelow : I first heard about dnb many years ago and since then I am trying to present this beautiful genre to as many people as possible. I love its broken beats and soul.

 * Sorriso: I had a radio show in 2002 where I played dnb for the first time, than I took a 6-year brake and started again in 2008. Since then I have been sharing decks with Jelow and loved every minute of it. :D

SUB: Audio Colours is label based in Novi Sad. Could you tell us something more about this label?

 * Audio Colours is a group of musicians, DJs, producers and MCs that is gathered around a common idea, to promote a wide range of musical directions symbolically representing them with different colors.

SUB: For how long are you in collaboration with MC Adam from Madred?

 * We met Adam many years ago in Novi Sad. He was MC-ing on parties and we immediately recognized his talent. Very soon we started working together and having him on mic is an honor for us because he always brings incredible energy with him and people recognize that. Besides that, he is incredible designer of videos, gaming apps, retro gamer and a JUNGLIST.  :)

SUB: Tell us something more about “Drumology Radio Show”?

 * Drumology is a radio show dedicated to drum’n’bass music. The show is being aired on BeTon internet radio (http://www.betonradio.rs/) stationed in Belgrade, Serbia. Drumology is being aired every Wednesday from 10 PM until midnight.
The idea is to share quality drum’n’bass music and educate people about all the different genres of this extraordinary style. All the listeners are able to hear the podcasts from various DJs and producers from The Balkans and their comprehension of this genre. This show is also about promoting some fresh, young and perspective producers who are doing their best on continuing on spreading the drum’n’bass music.

We had you on our show too! :D

 SUB: This will be your first b2b set in Macedonia. Are you excited for playing at Run Mk?

 * I (Jelow) am very excited because I am coming back again and I hope that it will be as good as it was the last time. I told Sorriso that the best dnb parties are in Macedonia so he can’t wait to get there and play! Last time I met a lot of good people and made some new friends so I am really looking forward to seeing them.

SUB: What is your passion for drum and bass, why do you love it, play it?

 * We love the soul of it and the energy that it brings. The joy of life in its sounds and unbelievable broken beat makes you want to dance and smile.

Plus, it’s really cool! :D

SUB: I have red in your bio that you (Jelow) are a passionate gamer. So what was your last played game? J

* Passionate gamer means I played nearly all major and indi games in the last 25 years. The last game that cought my attention is World of Warcraft, but I am playing more games at the same time. If you have a game to recommend please do so! :D

Thank you guys for your podcast and interview for Skopje Urban Beats. Looking forward to see you play at the 7th edition of Run Mk Festival. (D.S.)

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